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Time Tracking buttons serve to track the time of work on the certain Job.
If there is only one Current Job, Start button switches on the timer and notes the start of work for this Job straight away. Otherwise Start button opens Start Job window, displaying all Current Jobs, so you can select the necessary Job. If it is the first time you start working on the selected Job, the precise time of start will be assigned to First Started property of this Job.
Pause button pauses the timer. After you click Pause button it becomes dimmed and Start button is replaced with Continue button.
Continue button appears instead of Start button when you click Pause button. Click Continue button when you want to proceed counting the time spent on selected Job after you made a pause.
Stop button switches off the timer, counting the time spent on selected Job; new value is assigned to Last Completed property of the Job and its Exact Time Spent property changes correspondingly.
If you have only one Current Job, clicking Switch button displays error message (as there is no Job to switch to). If you have two Current Jobs, Switch button switches off the timer and notes the end of work for the selected Job, and switches on the timer and fixes start of work for the other Current Job. Otherwise Switch button opens Switch Active Job window, displaying all Current Jobs, except the one you are working at, so you can select the necessary Job. Regarding First Started (if it is the first time you work on Job), Last Completed and Exact Time Spent values using Switch button is similar to consistent use of Start and Stop buttons. See Also: Switch Active Job window
See Also: Completed Jobs window
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