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function CharLength(const S: String; const Index: Integer): Integer;
Returns the length in bytes (1 or 2) of the character in the specified string at the specified index.
In double-byte character sets (Chinese, Japanese, Korean), most non-ASCII characters occupy two bytes. Note that the second byte of a double-byte character -- known as the "trail byte" -- can be in the same range used by ASCII characters (below 128). Thus, when stepping through a string that may contain double-byte characters, such as a path or filename, care must be taken to not mistake trail bytes for single-byte ASCII characters.
function BackslashToSlash(const S: String): String; var I: Integer; begin Result := S; I := 1; while I <= Length(Result) do begin if Result[I] = '\' then Result[I] := '/'; // Go to the next character. But do not simply increment I by 1. // Increment by CharLength() in case Result[I] is a double-byte character. I := I + CharLength(Result, I); end; end; ... begin // Show path of Common Files with backslashes changed to forward slashes MsgBox(BackslashToSlash(ExpandConstant('{cf}')), mbInformation, MB_OK); end;
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