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function CreateInputQueryPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription, ASubCaption: String): TInputQueryWizardPage;
Creates a wizard page containing edit boxes.
To create edit boxes on the page, call the Add method. Use the Values property to get/set the text of the edit boxes.
var Page: TInputQueryWizardPage; UserName, UserCompany: String; ... // Create the page Page := CreateInputQueryPage(wpWelcome, 'Personal Information', 'Who are you?', 'Please specify your name and the company for whom you work, then click Next.'); // Add items (False means it's not a password edit) Page.Add('Name:', False); Page.Add('Company:', False); // Set initial values (optional) Page.Values[0] := ExpandConstant('{sysuserinfoname}'); Page.Values[1] := ExpandConstant('{sysuserinfoorg}'); ... // Read values into variables UserName := Page.Values[0]; UserCompany := Page.Values[1];
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