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Parameters in Sections

All of the sections in a script, with the exception of [Setup], [Messages], [CustomMessages], and [LangOptions], contain lines separated into parameters. The following is an example of a [Files] section:

Source: "MYPROG.EXE"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "MYPROG.CHM"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "README.TXT"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: isreadme

Each parameter consists of a name, followed by a colon, and then a value. Unless otherwise noted, parameters are optional in that they assume a default value if they are not specified. Multiple parameters on a line are separated by semicolons, and can be listed in any order.

The value of a parameter is traditionally surrounded in double quotes (") when it contains a user-defined string, such as a filename. Using quotes is not required, though, but by doing so it makes it possible to embed leading and trailing spaces in the value, as well as semicolons and double-quote characters.

To embed a double-quote character inside a quoted value, use two consecutive double-quote characters. For example:

"This "" contains "" embedded "" quotes"

The Setup Compiler would see that as:

This " contains " embedded " quotes

If you want the value of a parameter to be a single double-quote character, use four double-quote characters: """". The outer two are needed to surround the string in quotes; the inner two are used to embed a single double-quote character.

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