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[Setup]: PrivilegesRequired

Valid values:

none, poweruser, or admin

Default value:


The effect of this directive depends on which version of Windows the user is running:

On Windows Vista and later:

This directive affects whether elevated rights are requested (via a User Account Control dialog) when the installation is started.

When set to admin (the default) or poweruser, Setup will always run with administrative privileges. If Setup was started by an unprivileged user, Windows will ask for the password to an account that has administrative privileges, and Setup will then run under that account.

When set to none, Setup will only run with administrative privileges if it was started by a member of the Administrators group. Do not use this setting unless you are sure your installation will run successfully on unprivileged accounts.

On Windows NT/2000/XP/2003:

This directive specifies the minimum user privileges required to run the installation.

When set to admin (the default), Setup will only run if the user is a member of the Administrators group. Otherwise, it will display the following message and exit: "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program."

When set to poweruser, Setup will only run if the user is a member of the Administrators or Power Users groups. Otherwise, it will display the following message and exit: "You must be logged in as an administrator or as a member of the Power Users group when installing this program."

When set to none, Setup will not check the user's group membership. Do not use this setting unless you are sure your installation will run successfully on unprivileged accounts.

On Windows 95/98/Me:

This directive has no effect on these versions of Windows.

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