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What is Inno Setup?

Inno Setup version 5.1.9
Copyright В© 1997-2006 Jordan Russell. All rights reserved.
Portions Copyright В© 2000-2006 Martijn Laan. All rights reserved.
Contacting Me

Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers in feature set and stability.

Key features:

Is it really free of charge, even for commercial use?

Yes, it may be used completely free of charge, even when deploying commercial applications.

(Note: "Completely free of charge" must not be confused with "completely free". Inno Setup is copyrighted software, not public domain software. There are some restrictions on distribution and use; see the LICENSE.TXT file for details.)

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