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Rave Reports Visual Designer CalcController component (TRaveCalcController) - Report Tab |
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"CalcController" is a non-visual component that acts as a controller, along with DataBands, for CalcText and CalcTotal components through their Contoller properties.
When the controller component is printed, it signals all calculation components that it controls to perform their summation operation. This allows you to perform totals on group bands, detail bands or whole pages depending upon the location of the CalcController component. Another feature of the CalcController component is its ability to initialize a CalcText or CalcTotal component to a specific value (through the InitCalcVar, InitDataField and InitValue properties). A CalcController component will only initialize values if it is used in the Initializer property of CalcText or CalcTotal property.
See Also: CalcText, CalcTotal, DevLocked, InitCalcVar, InitDataField, InitValue, Locked, Name, Tag, Visible
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