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Rave Reports Visual Designer DataBand component (TRaveDataBand) - Report Tab |
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The "DataBand" is a data-aware band (placed in a region) that you would use if you want to display iterating information from a table.
In general, a DataBand will contain several DataText components. An example of that would be an aging report that loops through a data table printing only those rows (records) that are more than 60 days old. Both master and detail records of a master-detail report would be DataBand types. So if you had a typical invoice system with Customer and Items tables. The customer table would be the master and its DataBand would be set as a master band. The items table would be the detail records and its DataBand would be set as controlled by the customer table.
See Also: Band, BandStyle Editor, ControllerBand, Region, Report Components
Properties: AllowSplit, BandStyle, Columns, ColumnSpacing, ControllerBand, DataView, DesignerHide, DetailKey, DevLocked, FinishNewPage, GroupDataView, GroupKey, Height, InitToFirst, KeepBodyTogether, KeepRowTogether, Locked, MasterDataView, MasterKey, MaxRows, Name, OrphanRows, PositionMode, PositionValue, ReprintLocs, SortKey, StartNewPage, Tag, Visible, WidowRows
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