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Rave Reports Visual Designer Different Odd/Even Page format |
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(Page Node-GotoMode property-gmGotoNotDone setting) Another type of linking would be Reports with a format based on an odd/even Page definition. This could be Reports that are going to be printed on both sides of the paper (duplex style) and have holes punched in one side, so that final Report could be put in a binder. This would mean that the inside margin (say 1 inch) would be larger than the outside margin ( Ѕ inch). To create a loop where the Page 1 definition (odd Page) points to Page 2 and will call it if the Report is not done when it gets to the end of the Page AND the Page 2 definition (even Page) points to Page 1 and will call it if the Report is not done at the end of that Page. This loop will need to continue until Report is completely printed. See the Exercise at the end of this section to get detailed steps to complete this task.
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