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Rave Reports Visual Designer Lesson - Calculated Fields |
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You can create calculated fields in Delphi and use those in your reports. However, those fields are also available to Delphi visual form components such as DBGrids so that is not always a desirable option. Another problem is that you cannot define calculated fields for memo or graphic field types. Here is a method to define calculated fields in Delphi that will only be available to your reports, will not impact the rest of your application and works for memo or graphic fields. The following example could be done using DataMirrors, but we want to show a custom data connection solution. This example demonstrates a method for printing addresses where some of the lines may be blank and you do not want them printed.
1) Define an OnGetCols event
procedure TForm1.CustomerCXNGetCols(Connection: TRPCustomConnection); begin With Connection do begin DoGetCols; WriteField('FullAddress', dtMemo, 30, '', ''); end; { with } end;
The DoGetCols call will create the default columns (fields) that would have been created if you did not define this event. The only step left for this event is to call WriteField to define the meta-information for each field that you want to define. See Lesson - "Custom Data Connection" for more information on WriteField.
2) Define an OnGetRow event
procedure TForm1.CustomerCXNGetRow(Connection: TRPCustomConnection); var Stream: TMemoryStream; Memo: TMemo; s1, s2: string; i1: integer; begin With Connection do begin DoGetRow; // get data for table fields
For i1 := 0 to 3 do begin case i1 of 0: s2 := Table1.FieldByName('Company').AsString; 1: s2 := Table1.FieldByName('Addr1').AsString; 2: s2 := Table1.FieldByName('Addr2').AsString; 3: begin s2 := Table1.FieldByName('City').AsString; s2 := s2 + ', ' + Table1.FieldByName('State').AsString + ' ' + Table1.FieldByName('Zip').AsString; end; end; // case if s2 <> '' then begin if s1 = '' then begin s1 := s2; end else begin s1 := s1 + #13#10 + s2; end;// else end;// if end;// for
Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; Memo := TMemo.create(self); try Memo.Text := s1; Memo.Lines.SaveToStream(Stream); Stream.Position := 0; WriteBlobData(Stream.Memory^, Stream.Size); finally Stream.Free; Memo.Free; end;// tryf end; { with } end;
We need to force the default behavior for this event by calling DoGetRow. Then we get the address information and store it in a string variable. We can then write the data for our calculated field by calling WriteBlobData (since it is a memo field). See Lesson - "Custom Data Connections" for more information on WriteBlobData and the other WriteXxxxData methods. You can add more calculated fields to your data connection by adding more calls to WriteField and WriteXxxxData in each of these events.
As with custom data connections, you must have your application running and the data connection must be set to visible for these fields to show up.
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