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Rave Reports Visual Designer Naming Components |
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Since projects can become very complex, it is suggested that the "Name" property be used to make items in the Project Tree easier to understand. By default, the "Name" property will automatically default to something like "Report1", "Report2", and so on. However, it would be easier to maintain a project system if the reports had useful names. This can be done through the "Name" property. When developing a naming convention, be creative, but remember no spaces or special characters are allowed in the "Name" property.
In the Project Tree Panel image, the project has many reports listed. Instead of dealing with reports listed as "Report1" through "Report7", the many reports were labeled accordingly: "CustomerList", "CustomerLabels", "CustomerDue", "Invoice", "PO", "ProductsOnHand", and "ProductsOnOrder". It is important to understand that the Project Tree Panel is there to make overseeing a project easier. But, without an informative naming system, the Project Tree Panel will not live up to it's full potential.
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