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Rave Reports Visual Designer Simple Wizard |
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The first step when using the simple wizard is to select the desired DataView that will provide the data to the report.
Once the DataView has been selected, a list of fields that should appear on the report can be chosen. Fields are selected by clicking on the box on the left. All fields can be selected by clicking on the All button at the top. Note however that because this is a simple wizard, choosing more fields that would fit on the page will make them overlap. Manual intervention is required after the Wizard's initial design is complete to correct this problem.
If more than one field was selected in the previous step, the Wizard will ask for the ordering of the fields. Moving a field up will place it on the left side of the page. Move it to the lowest position will move the field to the right margin.
Next you can set the Report layout. Values include the title and the page margins. The last step of the Simple Report Wizard is to choose the fonts that are going to be used in the report. It gives the possibility of changing three fonts: title (of the report), caption (headers of the field names) and the body (actual field values). When you are done, you will have a designer screen that looks like the following. At this point, you can make changes as desired, then save the report design.
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