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Threadsafe application

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How can I create a Threadsafe application using Rave?



Driver Dataviews (DVR data connection icon) were designed specifically to be ThreadSafe and can be used in threading type applications. There are several of these compiled drivers installed with the latest version of Rave Reports in the DataLinks folders.


Direct Dataviews (VIEW data connection icon) are not ThreadSafe, and should not be used in threading type applications.


You can download a variety of Driver Dataviews from the Rave Add-Ons page. Please make sure to check your Rave version and only download a driver if it matches your system. The add-ons page is located at:


If you do not find the specific driver you need, you can create your own. Download one of other drivers and look at the source code and readme.txt. That can be used as a pattern to create your own Driver DataView.


DataLink Driver

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