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Installation of Help Files

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IMPORTANT: If you have installed an older or demo copy of Rave Reports, first remove all instances of those files from the component library and your hard disk before continuing with the installation process. If you do not remove all older versions of Rave Reports you may get a type mismatch or other compiler / runtime error.


Step 1:Backup your component library. If you encounter any problems during the installation process, you can restore your component library by restoring this file.
Step 2:Run the SETUP.EXE program found on the product disk and answer the prompts as they are presented. Make sure to read the installation notes for any additional steps that may be necessary or changes that may have occurred since the documentation was prepared.


Connecting the Help File To Delphi / C++Builder's IDE: By connecting Rave Report's Help file to the IDE, you can get context sensitive help for any Rave Reports event, method or property just by placing the cursor on the keyword and pressing F1. To enable this feature, you must first follow these steps:


Delphi 4:


Copy the RaveDevRef.HLP and RaveDevRef.CNT files into your Delphi ..\Help directory.


Edit the DELPHI4.CFG and remove any reference to Rave*.HLP


Edit the DELPHI4.CNT and add two lines (at the end of Include section):


:Include RaveDevRef.CNT


:Link RaveDevRef.HLP


See note below


OpenHelp Utility (Delphi 5, 6 and 7):

1.        Copy the Rave*.CNT and Rave*.HLP files into your Delphi??\Rave??.\Help directory.

2.        Start Delphi -Select the "Customize" option in the "Help" menu ( OpenHelp utility )

3.        Do the following for each of the "Contents", "Index" and "Link" tabs

4.        Select the "Add Files" option under the "Edit" menu.

5.        Add Rave.CNT to "Contents" tab and Rave.HLP to both the "Index" and "Link" tabs

6.        Add RaveDevRef.CNT to "Contents" tab and RaveDevRef.HLP to both the "Index" and "Link" tabs

7.        See note below


If you do not have access to the OpenHelp utility, then do the following "manual" steps.


Add a Link statement referencing the Rave.HLP file at the end of the ..\Delphi??\Help\DEL??XTRA.OHL file.


:Link RaveDevRef.HLP


Delphi 8, 2005 and 2006

1.        Uses MS Help version 2 (not supported by Microsoft)

2.        Requires VS.NET to register

3.        There are no manual steps to add help



1.        Run the ..Borland\Common files\OH.EXE ( OpenHelp utility ).

2.        Click the Search Ranges tab in OpenHelp.

3.        Choose Add below the Available Help Files list box.

4.        Browse to the ..\Rave??\RaveDevRef.HLP file then choose Open.

5.        Click the OK button to save the changes and close the OpenHelp utility.



After making any changes to the help system, be sure to delete any existing GID file in the Help directory. ( ...\Help\DELPHI#.GID ). This will force the Help system to rebuild this file on the next usage. This is a hidden file, so you will not see it unless you have your Windows File Explorer options set to display hidden files.


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