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TBaseReport. CreatePen method |
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Declaration function CreatePen(NewColor: TColor; NewStyle: TPenStyle; NewWidth: integer; NewMode: TPenMode): TPen;
Description This method will create a TPen object for the given parameters. The NewWidth parameter, if positive, is the width of the pen in printer units (dots) and if negative, is the width of the pen in 1/100ths of an inch. You can assign this pen to the canvas to change the current pen.
NOTE: The pen object returned must be released by calling the free method of TPen.
See also TBaseReport Class, SetPen, TColor, TPen, TPenMode, TPenStyle
Example (Delphi) MyPen := CreatePen(clBlack,psSolid,1,pmBlack);
Example (C++Builder) MyPen = rp1->CreatePen(clBlack,psSolid,1,pmBlack); |
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