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TBaseReport. OnPrintFooter event (read/write/published) |
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Declaration procedure OnPrintFooter(Sender: TObject);
Description This event will be called after the body for each page that has been printed. This can be useful for printing similar footers for each page.
See also TBaseReport Class, GotoFooter, PrintFooter, OnPrintHeader
Example (Delphi) procedure TReportForm.PrintFooterReport5(Sender: TObject); begin { PrintFooterReport5 } with Sender as TBaseReport do begin SetFont('Times New Roman',8); MarginBottom := 0.5; PrintFooter('Page ' + IntToStr(CurrentPage),pjLeft); PrintFooter('Date 01/20/95',pjRight); MarginBottom := 1.0; end; { with } end; { PrintFooterReport5 }
Example (C++Builder) void __fastcall TReportForm:: PrintFooterReport5 (TObject *Sender) { TBaseReport* rp = dynamic_cast<TBaseReport*>(Sender); rp1->SetFont("Times New Roman",8); rp1->MarginBottom = 0.5; rp1->PrintFooter("Page " + IntToStr(rp1->CurrentPage),pjLeft); rp1->PrintFooter("Date 01/20/95",pjRight); rp1->MarginBottom = 1.0; } |
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