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TBaseReport. PrintDataStream method |
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Declaration procedure PrintDataStream(Stream: TStream; BufSize: longint);
Description This procedure will send BufSize bytes from Stream directly to the printer. If BufSize is 0 the remaining contents of Stream will be send.
NOTE: Depending upon the content of the data sent to the printer, this command may cause your reports to be incompatible across different brands of printers. There are also many printer functions that are incompatible with the Windows printer driver and should not be used.
See also
Example (Delphi) MyFileStream := TFileStream.Create('PAGE.PCL', fmOpenRead); PrintDataStream(MyFileStream,0); MyFileStream.Free;
Example (C++Builder) MyFileStream = new TFileStream("PAGE.PCL", fmOpenRead); rp1->PrintDataStream(MyFileStream,0); delete MyFileStream; |
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