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TBaseReport. PrintJustify method |
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Declaration procedure PrintJustify(Text: string; Pos: double; Justify: TPrintJustify; Margin: double; Width: double);
Description This method will print left, right, center or block justified text. The text will be justified inside a measurement rectangle starting at Pos and with a horizontal size of Width. Margin is the spacing between the text and the sides of the measurement rectangle in units.
See also TBaseReport Class, PrintBlock, PrintCenter, PrintLeft, PrintRight
Example (Delphi) PrintJustify('Centered Text', SectionLeft,pjCenter,0.0,SectionRight - SectionLeft); { Same as PrintCenter('Centered Text', (SectionLeft + SectionRight) / 2.0); }
Example (C++Builder) rp1->PrintJustify("Centered Text", SectionLeft,pjCenter,0.0,SectionRight - SectionLeft); /* Same as PrintCenter("Centered Text", (SectionLeft + SectionRight) / 2.0); *</pre> |
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