| property SectionBottom: double; |
| These properties return or set the current section of the paper to be printed on. Items that rely upon the current section settings are line starting points (Example (Delphi) after a CR call), setting columns, LinesLeft and ColumnLinesLeft. The section settings are reset to the margin values after each new page is generated. Changing a margin setting will change its corresponding section setting to the same measurement. |
| Section settings are different from margin setting in that the section values are always measurements from the upper or left side of the page while margins are measurements from the closest side of the page. ( Example (Delphi) SectionRight := 8.0 would be the same as MarginRight := 0.5 for 8.5 inch wide paper.) |
| with RvNDRWriter1 do begin |
| rp1->SectionBottom = 1.0;