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TBaseReport. TextRect method |
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Declaration procedure TextRect( Rect: TRect; X,Y: double; const Text: string);
Description This method will draw Text clipped within the rectangle defined by Rect. The point (X,Y) defines the starting point of the text. Use CreateRect to initialize Rect.
See also TBaseReport Class, CreateRect, All print methods, TRect
Example (Delphi) var TxtRect: TRect; TxtXPos: double; TxtYPos: double; Txt: string; begin TxtRect := CreateRect(1.00,1.00,3.00,3.00); TxtXPos := 0.95; TxtYPos := 0.95; Txt := 'Text is clipped off!'; TextRect(TxtRect, TxtXPos, TxtYPos, Txt); end;
Example (C++Builder) TRect TxtRect; double TxtXPos; double TxtYPos; AnsiString Txt; TxtRect = rp1->CreateRect(1.00,1.00,3.00,3.00); TxtXPos = 0.95; TxtYPos = 0.95; Txt = "Text is clipped off!"; rp1->TextRect(TxtRect, TxtXPos, TxtYPos, Txt); |
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