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TBaseReport. UpdateStatus method |
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Declaration procedure UpdateStatus;
Description This method will update the label defined by StatusLabel with the current information defined by the report status or the items contained in StatusText.
See also TBaseReport Class, StatusLabel, StatusText
Example (Delphi) // After report execution, depending on whether the user aborted the report's creation or not, the status bar is updated with the appropriate message. if Aborted then begin StatusFormat := #13'Report Canceled!'; UpdateStatus; end else begin StatusFormat := #13'Report Completed!'; UpdateStatus; end; { else }
Example (C++Builder) if (rp1->Aborted) { rp1->StatusFormat = "\nReport Canceled!"; rp1->UpdateStatus(); } else { rp1->StatusFormat = "\nReport Completed!"; rp1->UpdateStatus(); }/ else
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