| Leading Translation Management System for Translation Agencies, Top Translation Management Software for Freelance Translators, Time Tracking Software, Word Count, Character Count and Line Count Software, Computer Assisted Translation Tool for Easy Word Count, Clipboard Character Count Software, User-Friendly Translation Memory Software, Terminology Management Software, Terminology Management Server, Microsoft Glossary Software, Dictionary of Acronyms, Social Network for Translators and Translation Agencies, Acronyms and Abbreviations Search Engine, Russian Translation Lab, Ukrainian Translation Lab. |
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Version History
The history of new features added in last versions of TsiLang Components Suite is listed below.
Version 6.0:
- New user interface for editors and tools. (Graphics design by Dorin Nicolaescu)
- Exclude from Translations Editor- new editor that handles and helps to manage all exclusions from translations at one place and with very convenient interface.
- Automatic addition of most often used property names for exclusion, like TableName, DatabaseName, Category and others.
- Better translation of Unicode components and properties.
- Handling of LoadStr() and FmtLoadStr() functions when translating resource strings.
- Handling resource strings by identifier instead of value. This would be very useful while translating own resource strings stored and linked as RC file(s) to your applications.
- ExtendedTranslations property updates values from components when updating translations. This is very useful for visually designing different layouts for different languages.
- DefaultBtn and CancelBtn parameters for all MessageDlg() methods to provide ability to specify which button to use as default and cancel button.
- Translation Editor:
- Translation Editor now handles ExtendedTranslations property as well. This provides full functionality of Translation Editor available while editing Extended Translations.
- Tool tip for width and height of translations while editing content.
- Navigation directly to first occurrence in source code of string while editing Strings property.
- Improved sorting when sorting by ID under Strings section.
- When translating multi-line contents using Dictionary Translation Editor will try to translate line-by-line if no translation for all lines at once available. This is useful when translating combo-box, radio-group and similar items.
- Translation Editor will try to find a similar translation when translating phrases with special symbols at the end, like: ":", "...", " " and so on.
- TsiLang Expert:
- Improved source scanning.
- When checking for Bad String IDs it is possible to delete strings directly from TsiLang.
- Translation Wizard allows translating selected form(s) with step-by-step detailed instructions and help as well as configures already translated forms.
- Some internal improvements.
- Dictionary Manager:
- Improved XML import Wizard
- Added ability to delete multiple selected rows at once.
- Added ability to delete any language (previously only the last one could be deleted).
- Fixed some bugs and implemented other minor improvements.
- SIL Editor:
- Multilanguage interface- SIL Editor now supports multilanguage interface and you can easily translate it into your own language.
Version 5.3.2:
- Delphi 2005 support.
- TsiLang Expert Improvements:
- New source scanning tags introduced {TSI:IGNORE NEXT} and {TSI:TRANSLATE NEXT}. To ignore/translate just next line.
- Improved source scanning.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Translations Editor:
- New filter to show incomplete translations only.
- Sorting by property name.
- Automatically handle colon ":" character when translating with Dictionary Manager.
- Automatically split multiline items into single terms when translating with Dictionary Manager.
- Dictionary Manager:
- Improved import from Excel
- Fixed bug whit "Invalid character..." error when using BabelFish feature.
- SIL Editor:
- Improved error dialog in order to display more user friendly messages.
- Added support for SIB in ExportTo method of SIL Editor COM server.
- Resource Strings Wizard: added feature to skip checking for existing resource strings IDs.
Version 5.3.1:
- TsiLang Expert Improvements:
- Ability to mark particular hard-coded strings as untranslatable so it does not show up again in the next source scan.
- Ability to exclude strings containing specified sub-strings.
- Ability to skip source lines containing specified words.
- Ability to skip strings that includes only special characters.
- Ability to leave existing string constants values when translating CONST section.
- Hijri2Gregorian and Gregorian2Hijri: Routines to convert Arabic dates to Gregorian and vice versa.
- New property TestModeInfo for dispatcher: New property allows to use extended functionality when generating translations in test mode. TestMode and TestPercentage properties are deprecated now!
- New feature Statistics: TsiLang Translations Editor now allows to see the translations statistics.
- SIL Editor and Dictionary Manager Improved
- Other Improvements: There were made some minor improvements and bugs fixing.
Version 5.3.0:
- Improved Extended Translations
- Property Editors Improvements
- New component: TsiLangCombo.
- Unicode Clipboard Support
- Other minor improvements:
- In the Translation Editor a switch added in menu for disabling duplicate IDs highlighting.
- Added property editor for Language property of TsiLang and TsiLangDispatcher to use combo box with language names listed.
- Added ability to translate unit's source directly from TsiLang component design-time menu.
- Locales will be stored only when ChangeLocales=True.
- Added flag to change language for extended before others (TranslateExtendedFirst property). For fixing Delphi's bug with RightToLeft <-> LeftToRight and menus.
- New property TestPercentage allows to set length for preview testing.
Version 5.2.5:
- Test mode - new property for TsiLangDispatcher to test translations.
- Fixed problem with translating QuickReport Font and Charset.
- Load/Save From/To Stream methods for TsiLangXX components.
- Improved Found Strings form in TsiLang Expert.
- SIL Editor and Dictionary Manager improved.
Version 5.2.4:
- Automatic translation using BabelFish web services in the Dictionary Manager is implemented.
- Various improvements and optimizations are implemented in the VCL, SIL File Editor, and Dictionary Manager.
- A few minor bugs are fixed.
Version 5.2.3:
- New command "Check Format Strings" is added to the Translation Editor. This function helps you to verify that all format strings are coincided for all translations. For example, if a format string in the base language looks like "%s - report from %s" then in other languages its transltion also should contain two tags "%s", otherwise the "Format" function rises an exception. To launch this command select the "Strings" category and click the menu "Tools|Check Format strings".
- Some minor bugs are fixed.
Version 5.2.2:
- Dictionary Manager is Unicode: The Dictionary Manager is re-designed for Unicode support. Now under Windows NT/2k/XP you can simultaneously edit translations in any language.
- Translation Editor gets Translation: The Translation Editor might be translated itself if you deploy it along with your application. All you need is to enter translation data into a .SIL file (the template file 'RT.SIL" is provided), and before opening Translation Editor in run-time assign appropriate values to the global variables "RT_SILFile" and ' RT_ActiveLanguage".
- Minor Improvements:
- A few small bugs are fixed.
Version 5.2.0:
- New IDEs support: TsiLang Components Suite includes packages for Delphi 7 (both VCL and CLX Editions) as well for Kylix 3 (both for Delphi C++ versions). No any additional changes are required to port your existing projects into above IDEs.
- Translation data streaming: The dfm-streaming method is changed for "translation-aware" properties of TsiLang components. Now you can edit translations in TsiLang components without changing the default locale on your system.
- A number of optimizations is made to make the library smaller and faster.
- User interface of the Translation Editor is changed so that design-time property editors, run-time Translation Editor and SIL Editor have consistent feel and look.
- Multiple selection of cells in the Translation Editor is added (for Copy/Cut/Paste/Delete usage).
- Ignore/Check Removals command is added for TsiLang component editor. This is useful when you move controls on your form via Cut->Paste in design-time. It is good idea before cutting a control to set "Ignore removals" flag for the TsiLang component, so that any references to this control would not lost in the TsiLang properties.
- The new method "ClearTranslations" is introduced for TsiLang components and corresponding command is added to the TsiLang Expert. This removes all translation data from the component.
Version 5.1.0:
- VCL and CLX Editions: For the best support of CLX technology TsiLang Components Suite is splitted into two editions: VCL and CLX. The latter one allows you to create true CLX multilanguage applications under Windows with Delphi 6 and C++Builder as well as under Linux with Kylix 1 and 2.
- Extended Translations: New property "ExtendedTranslations" is introduced for all TsiCustomLang's descendants. Using this property you can internationationalize not only strings but any properties of controls that can affect an application's appearance after language switching, for example, a label's width and height now may have differenent values for different languages.
- Binary Storage: Besides the traditional technology for storing external translations in .SIL files the new one based on binary .SIB files has brought into operation. This technology is specifically designed for using with TsiLangRT component and allows to load and save translations at run-time a few times faster than from/to .SIL files.
- Resource Strings Handling: With this sophisticated improvement a TsiLang component can handle all resource strings of your application even if they are hidden in some .dcu or .obj and you do not have the source. All you need is to set the property HandleResourceStrings to True.
- Other Improvements: A lot of minor improvements are made:
- Checking for duplicate ID when adding new ID in Strings Editor.
- Renaming ID in sources when changing it in Strings Editor.
- Possibility to exclude blank values in Translation Editor.
- Default language names.
Version 5.0.0:
- Kylix™ 2 support! TsiLang Components Suite successfully compiled under Kylix™ 2.
- Improvement: components with ParentFont property set to True are not longer listed in the Fonts and Charsets properties.
- Improvement: it is now possible to exclude particular properties or components directly from Translation Editor.
- Improvement: it is now possible to filter untranslated/partially translated properties from Translation Editor.
- Improvement: When Dictionary Manager is activated from either Translation Editor or SIL Editor, entering an empty cell in Editor will automatically look up and suggest a translation for the given language.
- TsiLang Expert Improvement: it is now possible to check bad string identifiers used in units without forms.
- TsiLang Expert Improvement: it is now possible to configure the minimal length of string in source to be handled by Source Tranlation feature.
- TsiLang Expert Improvement: TsiLang Expert will now suggest smarter string identifiers under Source Tranlation feature.
- SIL Editor Improvement: Translation Infotips - when entering a cell a infotip displaying values from all the languages pops up. This is very useful when there is not enough room to display all columns.
- SIL Editor Improvement: Improved HTML import/export.
- SIL Editor Improvement: Columns can now be sorted both ascending and descening.
- Dictionary Manager Improvement: when using Auto-translation feature, strings with accelerators are handled more correctly.
- Dictionary Manager Improvement: Auto-translation feature now uses a base language selected by user.
Version 4.9.6:
- Delphi 6 support!
- Same sources for Linux and Windows!
- Improvements TsiLang Expert supports now GetTextOrDefault() method and has new configuration options.
- Improvement Ignore tags for source translation.
- Improvement Increased speed of loading from file and string retrieval.
Bug fixes applied in SIL Editor and Dictionary Manager
Version 4.9.5:
- Improvements SmartExcludeProps property editor lists now only properties available for translation not all components properties. Also it is possible now to add Form/Module properties to exclude list.
- Improvements improved support for MultiByte Character Sets.
- Improvements some minor improvements in TsiLang Expert.
- Bug fixes applied in SIL Editor and Dictionary Manager
Version 4.9.4:
- Added: New property StringsTypes to TsiCustomLang descendants. It contains the list of additional type names used for multi-line properties.
- Added: New property SmartExcludedProps to TsiCustomLang descendants. It allows to exclude specified property of particular component from translation.
- Added: New property IsInheritedOwner to TsiCustomLang descendants. It informs TsiCustomLang components that they are placed on the inherited modules.
- Improvements in component renaming handling functionality. The renaming of components it is handled better now in TsiCustomLang components.
- Bug fixes applied in SIL Editor and Dictionary Manager
Version 4.9.3:
- Added: New property FileName to TsiLangDispatcher. It allows to specify the name of file for auto-loading translations for all TsiLang-s linked to this dispatcher.
- Added: New method SaveAllToFile to TsiLangDispatcher. It allows to perform saving translations for all TsiLang-s linked to this dispatcher.
- Added: New method LoadAllFromFile to TsiLangDispatcher. It allows to perform loading translations for all TsiLang-s linked to this dispatcher.
- Added: Double-click on TsiLangDispatcher now activates the LangNames property editor.
- Improvements in TsiLang Expert:
- Select all functionality
- The "Bad string IDs" window stores its position and size.
- Find translation functionality. It is possible now to find the translation phrase through project's translations stored in TsiLang-s.
- Replace translation functionality. It is possible now to replace the translation phrase stored in TsiLang-s.
- Project wide ExcludeProperties property setup. Now you can select range of forms with TsiLang to configure the ExcludeProperties property at once.
- Added: It is possible now to exclude the TsiLang's owners (as forms, datmodules, reports ...) from translation. Just edit the DoNotTranslate property.
- SIL Editor improvements:
- Added: Merging functionality. It is possible now to merge several SIL files into opened one.
- Fixed bug with importing functionality.
- Dictionary Manager improvements:
- Added: support for application interface. Now you can translate the user interface of Dictionary Manager to your language. Just edit the DICMNGR.SIL file and change Russian translations to yours. Also it is possible to add new languages to the user interface. Just add new language to this file using SIL Editor and you'll be able to use additional language in Dictionary Manager. It is included now only English-to-Russian translation. If you translate this file to your language please send it to me that I could include your language in official release.
Version 4.9.2:
- Added: New property ExcludedProperties to TsiCustomLang descendants. This property provides ability to exclude properties from translation.
- Added: New property ChangingCursor to TsiCustomLang descendants. Allows changing application cursor during languages changing process.
- Added: New property DoRaiseExceptions to TsiCustomLang descendants. Allows raising exceptions on using GetText() method with string identifier that is not included in component.
- Added: ShortDayNames, LongDayNames, ShortMothNames and LongMonthNames constants to locales.
- Added: Now if controls have associated actions then the caption and hint for this control won't be included into translation storage and should be used only action's caption and hint for translating these controls. This feature is available only under Delphi4+ and C++Builder4+.
- Added: New public property SiLangsCount to TsiLangDispatcher. This property indicates the amount of TsiCustomLang descendants linked to this dispatcher.
- Added: New public property SiLangs[Index: integer] to TsiLangDispatcher. This property allows accessing to TsiCustomLang descendants linked to dispatcher.
- Added: Color highlighting in TsiLang Translation Editor.
- Added: Standard shortcuts in TsiLang Translation Editor.
- Added: Search feature to TsiLang Translation Editor and Run-Time Translation Editor for TsiLangRT component.
- Added: Configurable fonts for each language for constants that don't have the component's font in Translation Editor.
- Added: Locales using the same way as dialog strings when loUseExtCommonStrings in Options.
- Added: In TsiLangLinked in container property list excluded self reference.
- Added: siLang Action now it is possible to used action for changing languages.
- Added: Configurable string IDs in TsiLang Expert.
- Added: BringToFront behavior for TsiLang Expert when its shortcut was activated.
- Added: Extended selection for cells in SIL Editor.
- Added: In SIL Edit multiple cell operations. Added cut/copy/paste/delete for range of cells.
- Added: Merging to current dictionary in Dictionary Manager. This feature allows preventing loosing translations when new version releases and combining several dictionaries into one.
- Added: Exchange languages functionality in Dictionary Manager.
- Added: Translating DBGrids using TsiLang example in DEMO directory.
- Improvement: Detecting comments inserted by TsiLang Expert when searching for strings in source code.
- Improvement: In TsiLang Translation Editor prompt on exit appears only there were made changes in translation.
- Improvement: DNTEdit property editor no more UpperCase component names.
- Improvement: "Save all to file" renamed to "Save project translation" in TsiLang Expert.
- Improvement: Checking for bad strings identifiers in TsiLang Expert now performs better checking and allows double-click for opening source code with bad string identifier or "Strings" property of TsiLang components.
- Improvement: TsiLangs now don't change the "Font" property of controls during language changing if control has "ParentFont" property set to TRUE.
- Fixed bug: with deleting rows in expert found strings form.
- Fixed bug: Scan form doesn't close when selecting Cancel and EConvertError.
- Fixed bug: AV in expert when units w/o form and DataModule is container.
- Fixed bug: Translation Editor changed languages to default on changing property.
- Fixed bug: LangDelim Something wrong with it was.
- Fixed bug: Form renaming. Check for form renaming in siLang.
- Fix: Sorting in TsiLang Translation Editor. Check marks in popup menu and marker on grid when using menu.
- Fix: RPC unavailable Fix this when closing Dictionary Manager used in TsiLang Translation Editor and in SIL Editor.
- Fix: Double UpdateStrings. Check for double UpdateStrings procedure call when placing new.
- Fix: UpdateStrings call place it at beginning of FormCreate event not at the end.
- Fixed bug: Fix the error List Index out of bounds in dispatcher.
Version 4.9.1:
- Updated TsiLang Component Editor: now it is possible to edit translations of all properties at once.
- Updated translations functionality: now it is possible to update translations stored in TsiLang in the case if you changed some string properties of components at design-time directly in Object Inspector without changing languages. The feature is available through right-click on TsiLang Component at design-time.
- Changed TsiLang's methods SaveToFile and SaveAllToFile: now it is possible to use multi-char (string) delimiter instead of a single char.
- Improved TsiLang Expert: it allows now changing the NumOfLanguages property of all selected forms.
- Fixed bug in TsiLang Expert: now it normally understands the fact that the form is already translated in the case when the form is stored as text file (only Delphi 5 or C++ Builder 5 feature).
- The problem with TQuickReport's "Title" property is fixed.
Version 4.9:
- C++ Builder 5 support!
- New components created: all Delphi and C++ Builder dialogs with multi-lingual feature.
- TsiLang Expert allows working with several selected forms.
- Improved string parser in expert, now multi line string constants are supported as well as the constants concatenated by '+' sign and the constants that contain " ' " or carriage return signs.
- Export to MS Word, MS Excel, HTML and XML file format information from Dictionary Manager.
- Import from HTML, MS Word and MS Excel files formats to Dictionary Manager.
- Import functionality from MS Word, MS Excel and HTML files to SIL Editor.
- All export features support fonts exporting for different languages.
- Added comments insertion in the source when replacing hard-coded strings.
- Some bugs fixed.
Version 4.8.1:
- Increased speed of translation.
- Added ability of sharing translations between all TsiLangs linked to one TsiLangDispatcher.
- New methods of TsiLang: LoadFromAllFileDNC and MergeAllFromFileDNC.
- Improved DoNotTranslate Editor.
- Added TsiLang Expert. ability of checking unused string IDs.
- TsiLang Expert now can change the type of TsiLang to be placed at the form.
- In SIL Editor exchange columns feature is added.
- Improvements in Dictionary Manager:
- Remembers visible languages for specified files.
- Fast find and incremental search features are added.
- Multi-line text editor is added.
Version 4.8:
- Delphi 5 support!
- New component created: TsiLangLinked. It allows to share common translations such as Dialog captions and Locales information along the wide project and to store this information only in one component per project.
- New component created: TsiLangTLV. It was specially designed by request of some our registered users for translating the contents of TTreeView and TListView Items properties.
- TsiLang DICTIONARY MANAGER released! Now you can store your translations and share them between the projects.
Some features of Dictionary Manager:
- Allows translating your strings automatically.
- Allows storing as many languages as you want.
- Automatically searches for matching translations depending on at least one language included in dictionary (No base language which should be fixed!).
- Highlighting of not translated items in the dictionary.
- UNICODE support.
- Different fonts for each language visualization and modification.
- Import/Export functionality.
- SIL Editor improvements:
- Added "find" feature.
- Added MS Office 95 support for import/export functionality.
- Added Print and Print Preview features.
- Dictionary manager support included.
- Some fixes and improvements.
Version 4.7:
- New component created: TsiLangRT. Now you can easily provide your user the ability of translating your applications without your assistance. It uses the embedded TsiLang editor the same as that one accessible in design-time under Delphi or C++ Builder IDE.
- New component created TsiLangRTSE. It allows you to translate your applications at run-time using COM interfaces of SIL Editor.
- New properties added to TsiLang:
- Language- indicates the name of current user interface language.
- LangNames- keeps allowed language names for Language property.
- TranslateType- indicates how to translate user interface items that have undetermined translation for the current language.
- New methods added to TsiLang:
- MergeFromFile- allows merging several translations of specified property to the single one.
- MergeAllFromFile- allows merging several translations of all properties to the single one.
- Added ability of inputting multi-line translations to single line properties.
- Improvements in TsiLang Expert:
- The Expert's form is not modal now.
- The Expert's form is dockable like standard Delphi and C++ Builder tool forms. (Available only under Delphi 4 and C++ Builder 4.)
- The bug with "Access Violation Error" on exiting Delphi 4 and C++ Builder 4 after using TsiLang Expert is fixed.
- The bug in "Save all to file..." and "Load all from file..." commands is fixed.
- Added commands "Merge from file..." and "Merge all from file..." to Expert's menu.
- Added ability to choose the type of translation for the component that shall be used for automatic inserting in the form.
- The bug with CONST section translation under Delphi 3 and Delphi 2 is fixed.
- Improvements in SIL Editor:
- Added functionality of adding new language to the translation.
- Language names are stored in SIL file now.
- Multi line editor is improved.
- Added functionality to adjust visible and invisible properties for translation.
- Added functionality to adjust fixed (that shouldn't be changed) languages in translation.
- Last working directory storing added.
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