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Translation of CONST section


TsiLang Components Suite allows you not only to translate your control's captions and other string properties, but also constants declared under CONST section of a unit, as well as hard-coded strings (See: Translation of hard-coded strings). 


TsiLang does this by adding a few lines of code to the source unit and executing it at run-time in the OnChangeLanguage event handler.


To translate the CONST section of a unit with a form select File|Const Section|With Form... (or File|Const Section|Without Form... for a unit without a form) from the TsiLang Expert main menu. TsiLang will scan the source code of each of selected units and will display the list of all string constants found.



The list displays:

a) The String ID. TsiLang assigns a String ID to each constant found. This ID will be used at run-time to retrieve the translation corresponding to a given string constant.

b) The original string constant name.

c) The code line that will be added to your source file to reinitialize the related constant.

d) the source line that contained the constant declaration.

Note: You can modify both a) and c) manually or even delete some of the strings. If you modify the string ID TsiLang will prompt you to replace all references to the old ID with the new one. 

Finally, you have to press the Replace button to let TsiLang  do the necessary changes to your source code.


Naturally, when you translate a unit that doesn't have an associated form, there is no TsiLang component that can 'translate' the constants at run-time. Here comes the only difference between translating a unit with or without a form. In the second case, you will have to choose which TsiLang component (or, rather, lying on which form) will do the translation of your constants at run-time.


Note: You can select several units from the list and apply this operation all of them simultaneously.


See also

Checking for bad string IDs

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