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Getting Started With SnagIt > Interface Overview > Getting Familiar with the Main Screen - Part 2

Getting Familiar with the Main Screen - Part 2

Capture Profile Properties display in the form of a tooltip. Properties include the input, output, mode, and hotkey and effects, if applicable.
Input allows you to select what you want to capture. To access the input options, select Input in the Profile settings pane and the desired option from the dropdown menu. Options differ according to the capture mode selected.
Output allows you to select what happens to the capture once it is taken. To access the output options, click Output in the Profile settings pane and the desired option from the dropdown menu. Options differ according to the capture mode selected.
Effects apply special effects during the actual capture process. To access the effects options, click Effects in the Profile settings pane and the desired option from the dropdown menu. Options differ according to the capture mode selected.
Options are preferences that further define how the capture looks or if you preview your capture before sending it to output. Options differ according to the mode and input selected may include: ability to capture cursor, set timer or delayed capture, capture multiple areas, etc.
Capture Mode controls the way that SnagIt captures information. This includes image, text, video, and Web captures. To change the mode, use the dropdown menu attached to the Capture button.
New Profile allows you to save the current settings within the Profile settings pane as a new capture profile. New capture profiles display within My Profiles in the Profiles pane.
New Profile Wizard allows you to create a new profile from "scratch" by walking you through all profile settings. New capture profiles display within My Profiles in the Profiles pane.
Save Profile allows you to overwrite a selected profile with the current settings selected in the Profile settings pane.
List View displays the profiles in a list. This is the default view for SnagIt 7.
Thumbnail View displays the profiles as icons. This is the default view for SnagIt 8.
Organize Profiles displays the Organize Profiles dialog box.
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