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Getting Started With SnagIt > SnagIt's Most Popular Captures

SnagIt's Most Popular Captures

The following graphics show you several of the different ways you can capture with SnagIt.

With SnagIt's more than 40 ways to capture, the creative possibilities for creating screen captures are endless.

Screen Capture
Capture everything that shows on your computer desktop, including the cursor if desired.
For more information, see Capturing the Entire Screen.
Rectangular Region
Capture a rectangular shape anywhere on your desktop.
For more information, see Capturing a Region, and Capturing a Fixed Region.
Capture an application window, dialog box, window frame, etc.
Scrolling Window
Capture the contents of a window, including the part not seen.
Game (DirectX)
Capture scenes from DirectX games or DirectX media players.
For more information, see DirectX.
Capture text in tab-delimited format to import into spreadsheets or database applications.
For more information, see Text Output to a Text File.
Capture a specific item on your computer desktop such as a button, icon, toolbar, etc.
For more information, see Capturing an Object and Capturing a Shape.
Capture dropdown and cascading menus from Windows programs.
For more information, see Capturing a Menu.
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