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The SnagIt Main Interface > The SnagIt Main Interface Overview

Command Line Options

Click the items below to see the command line arguments that SnagIt accepts on the Windows Run command line.

SnagIt Program Command Line Options

The following table summarizes the description and use of each SnagIt Program Command Line option.

Hides the SnagIt window at startup.
Disables keyboard input to SnagIt (For use with DDE programs.)
Starts SnagIt as a minimized icon.
Causes SnagIt to do a capture using current settings and close when finished or canceled. This option runs SnagIt hidden with hotkeys disabled.
Causes SnagIt to do a capture using current settings and continue to operate after the capture (not close). This option runs SnagIt hidden with hotkeys disabled.
Opens the Catalog Browser directly.
Opens the Editor directly.
Opens the image file specified directly in the Editor. This can also be used with /OC which then sets the initial folder displayed in the Catalog Browser.
Starts SnagIt with the system tray icon disabled.

Install Program Command Line Options

The following is the description and use of the Install Program Command Line option.

Performs the installation silently - no prompting the user.
See the readme.txt file included in the installation directory.

The SnagIt Main Interface

The SnagIt Main Interface Overview

The menus available in the main SnagIt interface depend on which View you are using. There are three views to choose from: Normal View, Classic View, and Compact View. Each view provides the same functionality for taking captures and working with the companion applications but the functionalities are accessed in different ways.

For more information on each of the views, see the following topics:

Users that are experienced with using SnagIt may want to use hotkeys or keyboard shortcuts to help save time as they work. See Main Interface Hotkeys for information on the hotkeys available in the main interface.
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