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Working with Profiles > The Profiles Context Sensitive Menu

The Profiles Context Sensitive Menu

You can right-click on any profile or group of profiles to bring up the context sensitive or pop-up menu.

When using the popup menu, the options shown are available for the profile or profile group that you right-clicked on - not the profile or profile group that is currently selected within the Profiles pane.

Context Menu Option
Description & Use
Organize Profiles
Opens the Organize Profiles dialog box, allowing you to Import and Export profiles and more.
For more information, see Organizing Your Profiles.
Allows you to quickly rename a profile.
  1. Right-click the profile to rename.
  2. Select Rename from the menu.
  3. Enter the new name into the Rename Profile dialog box.
  4. Select OK.
Allows you to quickly import a profile.
  1. Right-click a profile or profile group.
  2. Select Import from the menu.
  3. In the Import dialog box, browse for and then select the desired profile file.
  4. Select the items to include in the import.
  5. Select Import.
Allows you to quickly export a profile.
  1. Right-click the profile to be exported.
  2. Select Export from the menu.
  3. In the Export Profile As dialog box, browse for and then select the desired location to export the profile file to.
  4. Give this profile a new name or keep the default name.
  5. Select Export.
Allows you to quickly delete a profile.
  1. Right-click the profile to delete.
  2. Select Delete from the menu.
  3. Select Yes to confirm deletion.
Set Hotkey
Allows you to quickly assign a hotkey to a profile or to change a hotkey already assigned to a profile.
  1. Right-select the profile to be given a hotkey.
  2. Select Set Hotkey from the menu.
  3. Within the Change Profile Hotkey dialog box, set the new hotkey options.
  4. Select OK.
Show Tooltips
Allows you to view the attributes assigned to the profiles in tooltip fashion when the cursor pauses over a profile.
Once you have turned the tooltips off, select this menu option again to view the tooltips.
To turn tooltips on:
  1. Right-click any profile.
  2. Select Show Tooltips from the menu.
  3. The tooltips will display when the cursor pauses over a profile.
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