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Set Up Your Capture > Capture Effects > Web Capture Effect > Web Capture Options Images Tab

Web Capture Options Images Tab

For information on how to access effects, see Accessing Effects.

The following table summarizes the description and use of each option in the Web Capture Effects dialog box's Images tab.

Description & Use
Types of files
Select the file formats to include in the capture. The three types of Web graphics available are listed. Use this option to limit the search and capture.
Minimum (KB)
Type the Minimum file size in kilobytes to be captured.
To specify no limit, put zero in the box.
Maximum (KB)
Type the Maximum file size in kilobytes to be captured.
To specify no limit, put zero in the box.
Get background if possible
Enable Get background if possible to include the Web page background image. Note: Since some Web sites do not permit this, it is possible to fail with this operation.
Ignore background type
Enable Ignore background type to ignore the background type in the search.
When enabled, SnagIt will download the background image whether it's a JPEG, GIF, or PNG file, even if those types are not selected in the Types of files list.
These options allow you to capture certain images based upon the size of the image.
Use the Minimum and Maximum fields for height and width to set the desired size in pixels.
To specify no limit, put zero in the box.
Remove ad banners by discarding images with width/height ratios greater than the following
Enable this option to discard banner ad images from the capture based upon the size of the ad. This size is determined in ratio format.
Once this option is enabled, enter the desired ratio in the field that has been provided.
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