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Edit Your Captures > Working with the Tasks Pane > Tasks Pane and Task Page Overview

Tasks Pane and Task Page Overview

The following table gives an overview of the Tasks pane and Task Pages along with their use.

The Tasks Pane is open and available, by default, within the Capture Preview window. Use the Tasks pane to access most capture enhancement and special effects options.
To access an option, simply click on the active link. If available, any further directions or options will display in a subsequent task page.
· Click the X in the upper right hand corner of the Tasks pane to close it.
· To see the Tasks pane, choose View > Show Task Pane.
An Invalid Selection or a Flatten vector objects task page displays if the option that you selected within the Tasks pane requires that the entire image be selected or that vector objects be flattened in order to apply the effect/enhancement and your selection or image does not meet the requirements.
At this time, choose the desired link to make the required adjustments and continue, or to leave the image as it is and cancel the task.
Once you choose a task within the Tasks pane, if the task has various settings to select or configure, a related task page displays containing those options. As you make changes in the task page, your image automatically updates, allowing you to immediately see the result of your changes.
Once you have made your selections in the task page, you can click the Return to Tasks link at the bottom of the task page or the Home button at the top of the task page to close the task page and exit back to the Tasks pane if you want to apply another effect. Otherwise, you can just go back to working with the capture.
To undo a task, select the Undo Task link located at the bottom of the task page.
If you have already exited the task page, select the Undo button on the main toolbar.
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