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Edit Your Captures > Working with the Tasks Pane > Spotlight & Magnify Task Page

Spotlight & Magnify Task Page

The Spotlight & Magnify options allow you to select a portion of the capture and modify it using a magnification effect as well as darkening and blurring effects.

To apply a Spotlight & Magnify effect:

  1. Use the Selection tool to select the area of the capture to apply the effect to.
  2. From the Tasks pane, select the Spotlight & Magnify link. The Spotlight & Magnify options task page displays.
  3. Customize your effect.

The following table describes each of the Spotlight & Magnify options along with their description and use.

Description & Use
Magnify (percentage)
Specify the percentage to increase the size of the selected region.
Dim Background
Specify the brightness level applied to the area outside the selected region.
Blur Background
Specify the blur intensity applied to the area outside the selected region.
Drop Shadow
Select this option if you want to add a drop shadow to the selected region.
Resize canvas to fit
Select this option if you want to automatically increase the size of the image to fit a magnified or offset selected region.
Horizontal Offset
Specify the horizontal offset position of the effect. This option moves the effect either to the left or right.
Vertical Offset
Specify the vertical offset position of the effect. This option moves the effect either toward the top or bottom.
Undo Task
Select the Undo Task link to undo the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
Return to Tasks
Select the Return to Tasks link to save the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
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