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Edit Your Captures > Working with the Tasks Pane > Perspective & Shear Task Page

Perspective & Shear Task Page

Use the Perspective & Shear Task options to move the corners of a bitmap in the fashion of a parallelogram.

Note: All vector objects must be flattened and the entire capture must be selected to apply a perspective & shear effect.

To apply a Perspective & Shear effect:

  1. Leave the entire capture unselected.
  2. From the Tasks pane, select the Perspective & Shear link. The Perspective & Shear options task page displays.
  3. Customize your effect.

The following table describes each of the Perspective & Shear options along with their description and use.

Description & Use
Horizontal Perspective
Specify the percentage to shrink the image horizontally. A positive value will shrink the right side of the image. A negative value will shrink the left side of the image. The resulting effect will give the image a 3D perspective.
Vertical Perspective
Specify the percentage to shrink the image vertically. A positive value will shrink the bottom of the image. A negative value will shrink the top of the image. The resulting effect will give the image a 3D perspective.
Horizontal shear
Specify the angle to tilt the image horizontally. The result will move the corners of the image in the fashion of a parallelogram.
Vertical shear
Specify the angle to tilt the image vertically. The result will move the corners of the image in the fashion of a parallelogram.
Background Color
Select the Background Color swatch to select a color for the background of the image.
Undo Task
Select the Undo Task link to undo the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
Return to Tasks
Select the Return to Tasks link to save the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
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