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Edit Your Captures > Working with the Tasks Pane > Resize Canvas Task Page

Resize Canvas Task Page

The Resize Canvas option allows you to change the size of the canvas. This is the area surrounding the capture.

To resize the canvas:

  1. Leave the entire capture unselected.
  2. From the Tasks pane, select the Resize Canvas link. The Resize Canvas options task page displays.
  3. Customize your effect.

The following table summarizes the description and use of each option in the Resize Canvas task page.

Description & Use
New Width
Use the spinner controls to enter the new width.
New height
Use the spinner controls to enter the new height.
Image Placement
Select a button to place your capture in the desired location within the newly sized canvas.
Background Color
Select the Background Color swatch to select a color for the canvas when making the canvas larger than the capture.
Size Setting Summary
These read-only fields let you know the original and final size of your image.
Undo Task
Select the Undo Task link to undo the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
Return to Tasks
Select the Return to Tasks link to save the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
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