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Edit Your Captures > Working with the Tasks Pane > Color Depth Task Page

Color Depth Task Page

Use the Color Depth color conversion options to change the capture's attributes that are associated with a color depth.

To apply a Color Depth effect:

  1. Leave the entire capture unselected.
  2. From the Tasks pane, select the Color Depth link. The Color Depth options task page displays.
  3. Select the desired options.

The following table summarizes the description and use of each option in the Color Depth dialog box.

Description & Use
Select the desired image resolution from the Colors list box. The options available range from Monochrome (1-bit) to True Color (32-bit).
Color Order
(This option is only available with 16-bit or higher color, and only from the Preview Window or Editor)
This option allows you to specify the Color Order: Red-Green-Blue or Blue-Green-Red.
Dither Method
(This option is available only if Colors is set to 256 or fewer colors.)
Use the Dither Method list box options to make the image look smoother when an image's color resolution is decreased. The Dither Method list box offers the following options: None, Floyd Steinberg, Stucki, Burkes, Sierra, Stevenson, Arch, Jarvis, and Ordered.
(This option is available only if Colors is set to 256 or fewer colors.)
Four Palette options are available:
  • Fixed
    Saves the image using a Fixed palette. The advantage to using a fixed palette is that it prevents a decrease in the quality of image appearance when more than one image is open.
  • Optimized
    (Recommended) saves the image using a palette optimized for this image. In general, use an Optimized palette if the image is to be viewed by itself.
  • Identity
    Saves the image using the Windows system palette. Use this selection if the image contains Windows screen colors.
  • Netscape Fixed
    Saves the image using the palette used by Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Undo Task
Select the Undo Task link to undo the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
Return to Tasks
Select the Return to Tasks link to save the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
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