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Edit Your Captures > Working with the Tasks Pane > Color Editing Task Page > Transparent Color Task Page

Transparent Color Task Page

Note: This effect works only with GIF, ICO, and CUR files. It has no effect on any other type of file and does not affect images copied to the clipboard

Use Transparent Color options to set a color in an image to transparent. This can be helpful for graphics destined for the Internet or other online systems. On the Internet, most recent Web browsers support transparent GIF. This allows you to import graphics that have areas to be the same color as the background color you are using on Web pages.

The following table describes each of the Transparent Color options along with its use.

Description & Use
Use transparent color
Enable this option in order to set a transparent color.
Transparent Color
Use the New Color tool or the adjacent Color swatch to select the color that will become transparent.
Undo Task
Select the Undo Task link to undo the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
Return to Tasks
Select the Return to Tasks link to save the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
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