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Edit Your Captures > Working with the Tasks Pane > Image Processing Task Page > Edge Detection

Edge Detection

The Edge Detection effect increases the contrast along the edges in the image and includes a variety of options for gradient or Laplacian edge detection. Use the list box to select the direction of the effect.

The following table describes each of the Edge Detection options along with its use.

Description & Use
Detects edges, starting from one of eight specified directions. All pixels not on the detected edges are changed to black.
Detects lines. There are three omni-directional filters and three bi-directional ones. All pixels not on the detected lines are changed to black.
Detects horizontal or vertical edges. All pixels not on the detected edges are changed to black. (The use is the same as Prewitt, but the algorithm is different.)
Detects horizontal or vertical edges. All pixels not on the detected edges are changed to black.
Shift and Difference
Detects horizontal, vertical, or diagonal edges. All pixels not on the detected edges are changed to black.
Line Segment
Detects line segments. Possible directions are horizontal, vertical, left-to-right diagonal, and right-to-left diagonal. Use this option to find line discontinuities in an image. All pixels not on the detected line segments are changed to black.
Filter subtype
From the Filter subtype box, choose the desired direction for the effect.
Undo Task
Select the Undo Task link to undo the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
Return to Tasks
Select the Return to Tasks link to save the effect. You will return to the Tasks pane.
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