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Helpful SnagIt Features > SnagIt's Companion Applications > Catalog Browser > Features of the Catalog Browser

Features of the Catalog Browser

Click the following items for more information on each:

Image File Management

SnagIt users frequently capture many image, text, or video clips that must be collected and organized. SnagIt Catalog Browser can help you manage these captures.

Image Manipulation

In addition to file management, SnagIt Catalog Browser has a rich assortment of image manipulation tools for a variety of file format types.

Catalog Thumbnail Browsing

Catalog thumbnail browsing, a powerful SnagIt feature, is an easy way to view small replicas of captured files.

Multiple Image Printing
Detailed Report List View

Turn off thumbnails to see a full report style list view of a Catalog Folder.

Multiple Catalog Folders

Keep as many Catalog Folders on your system as necessary.

Setting an Image as Wallpaper

Select an image in the Catalog Browser and tell SnagIt to save it as your desktop wallpaper image.

You can use the normal Windows options for wallpaper images: tile, center, or stretch to control how the image is displayed on your computer screen.

Boosting Capture Productivity with Catalog Browsing

SnagIt's automatic filename generation works with catalog thumbnail browsing and can boost productivity.

Multiple Capture Selection

The thumbnail browser and "details" view let you select multiple captures from the catalog.

Catalog Operations
Catalog Browser Viewing Options
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