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Helpful SnagIt Features > SnagIt's Companion Applications > Catalog Browser > Catalog Browser Page Layout Options

Catalog Browser Page Layout Options

The Page Layout dialog box is used to set how your printed image shows on the page. This dialog box is accessed by choosing File > Page Setup > Page Layout.

Note: To save these settings, once you exit this dialog box and return to the Printer Setup dialog box, enable the Specific Printer option and then enable the Save Specific Printer Properties option.

The following table describes each of the Page Layout dialog box options along with their description and use.

Set page Margins in the applicable boxes.
Image Position
Determines the placement of the image on the page.
Fit Image on a Single Page
The image, regardless of length, is scaled in proportion to fit on one page.
Example: An Auto Scroll capture three pages long is scaled equally in length and width to print on one page. The printed image is one page long and one third of its full size width.
Manual Scale
The user can apply a scaling percentage to the image to decrease or increase its size on the printed page. An image printed at 100 percent is the same as one printed with the Proportional setting.
Example: An image printed at 200 percent makes the height and width two times the printed image.
Proportional Scale
The size relationship between the width of the area being captured and the width of the screen is used to calculate the width of the printed image in relationship to the width of the printed page. Example: An image half the width of your screen is scaled to print at half the width of the printed page.
Fixed Size (inches)
The width and height are set in the boxes. The printed image matches the dimensions, scaling or distorting the image if necessary.
Maximize Image on a Single Page
The image is made as large as possible to fit on one page, while preserving the correct aspect ratio of the original.
Auto Scale
The width of the captured image is scaled to the width of the page. The length is scaled in proportion and can be more than one page.
Example: An image 2 inches by 6 inches is scaled by an approximate factor of 4 to fit the printed page width. The length is also scaled by the same factor, making a printed image 2 1/2 (24 inch) pages in length.
Select Default to change settings to the SnagIt defaults. The default settings for Printer Output Setup are Default Windows Printer, Image location is Upper Left and image scaling is set to Fit Image on a Single Page.
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