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Helpful SnagIt Features > SnagIt's Companion Applications > Catalog Browser > SnagIt Catalog Browser View Menu Options

SnagIt Catalog Browser View Menu Options

The View menu options allow you to change the way you view items in the Catalog Browser. Select View from the menu bar and a dropdown menu is displayed.

The following table summarizes the description and use of each option on the View menu.

This toggle selection shows the Thumbnail view in the Catalog Browser. Items in the folder are shown as small icons in the window.
This toggle selection shows the Details view in the Catalog Browser. Makes a list of files similar to Windows Explorer.
Details view gives file details such as: Size, Type, Modified (date and time), Properties (pixel dimensions and color depth for image captures; number of lines for text captures; video statistics for video captures), and Description.
This menu allows you to show or hide five panes in the Catalog Browser window: The Catalog Browser is shipped with all five panes displayed, plus the required Thumbnails/Details area. Each of the five panes can be placed ("docked") anywhere in the Catalog Browser window, or undocked and moved anywhere on your computer screen.
Thumbnail Size
Allows you to select the size of the thumbnails in the Catalog Browser.
The larger the thumbnail, the more detail can be viewed. Larger thumbnails take slightly more time to show on screen and fewer of them can be viewed at one time (meaning more scrolling).
The smaller the thumbnail, the more items can be viewed. Smaller thumbnails show fewer details and more of them can be viewed at one time (less or no scrolling).
Arrange Icons
Allows you to change the sorting of the files in your Catalog Folder. This can be helpful when viewing a large number of images, for example, because they can be organized meaningfully.
Capture Types
Allows you to selectively include or remove file types from the Catalog Browser listing.
Refreshes the listing of files in the Catalog Browser.
Note: This is useful if you are adding files to a Folder. Refresh the listing to see the new files listed.
Does a "fast refresh" of the listing of files in the Catalog Browser. This accomplishes the same thing as Refresh, but does not use as much time and does not refresh all file details.
Allows you to set Catalog Browser options.
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