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Helpful SnagIt Features > SnagIt Printer Capture > Working with Multipage Captures using SnagIt Printer Capture > Save Multiple Images Dialog Box

Save Multiple Images Dialog Box

Note: While saving your Printer Capture image file, if the Save Multiple Images dialog box displays and you had been trying to save a multipage PDF or TIF file, see Working with Multipage Captures using SnagIt Printer Capture to learn about setting up a multipage capture.

From within a host application, you can use Printer Capture to capture multiple pages at one time and save each page as an individual image file.

You can use the Page Setup Options before taking your Printer Capture to configure the margins, number of images on a page, etc. Select one or more filters to enhance your capture with edge effects, color preferences, etc.

Note: In order to save each page as a separate image file, you must select an Output > Output Properties > Image File > File Format other than PDF or TIF.

To complete your capture, select the Finish (File) button on the toolbar. The Save Multiple Images dialog box displays. Each of the options within this dialog box is described in the following table.

Description & Use
Select an output Folder for your captures by typing the desired location into the box provided, by selecting a recently used location from the list box, or by choosing the Browse button and searching for the location.
File name prefix
This option allows you to enter a prefix in the filename for each of the captures in this series that is going to be saved.
Simply type a file name prefix in the File name prefix box.
Number of digits in index
This option allows you to enter a number in the filename for each of the captures in this series that is going to be saved.
This option is used in conjunction with the prefix option. By default, the number of images that will be saved is already entered into this box.
Save images as type
This option allows you to specify the file format for image captures. There are 28 different file formats to select from. Select a format by clicking on it in the scrolling list. See File Format Types for more information.
Images will be saved to
This read-only field displays the folder where the images be saved. It also shows you how your files will be named using the prefix and number system you have selected.
Select Options to access the File Format Types dialog box.
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