The Virtual PC window contains a list of all the currently configured PCs that are available to run within the context of Virtual PC. From this list you can configure additional guest PCs, or modify or delete the configurations of existing guest PCs. You can also start up or shut down an existing guest PC, and switch between different guest PCs running at the same time.
In addition to the buttons contained within the list dialog, Virtual PC provides a contextual menu for each PC in the list. To access this menu, right-click on the PC name. The contextual menu may contain additional items that are not available from the Virtual PC menu bar.
Note: When a PC is running or saved, the Virtual PC List displays a thumbnail of the PC screen. A screen thumbnail is not displayed if the PC has been shut down.
For specific
information about using the Virtual PC List, see:
Running a guest PC
Pausing a guest PC
Saving the state of a guest
Running several guest
Adding a new guest PC
Installing a new OS
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