Using the toolbar

In the lower left corner of the guest PC window, when you are in window mode, you will notice five icons. These icons are the toolbar items.

The toolbar items provide information about the status of your PC, such as whether the hard disk is active and whether a CD is mounted.

The toolbar also provides a number of convenient features that are accessed by contextual menus or by dragging items onto the toolbar icons.

Hard Disk Icon


The LED light indicates that the hard disk is currently in use. A green LED light indicates that information is being read from the hard disk image. An orange LED light indicates that information is being written to the hard disk image.

Menu Items

The contextual menu associated with the hard disk icon contains four items. The first three allow you to edit the PC disk settings. The last item provides access to the Virtual Disk Wizard.

To access the contextual menu, right-click on the hard drive icon.

See also:
Hard Disk Settings
Creating a disk image
Removable devices
Mouse Settings



A green LED light indicates that information is being read from the CD/DVD.

The CD/DVD icon is dimmed if no CD/DVD is captured.

Menu Items

The items in the contextual menu associated with the CD/DVD drive icon change depending on the status of the drive. The CD/DVD settings item allows you to edit the PC CD/DVD-ROM settings. The remaining items allow you to capture, release, or eject a CD/DVD.

To access the contextual menu, right-click on the CD/DVD icon.

If you have multiple CD/DVD-ROM drives in your host PC, there will be a separate menu item for each drive. Although the guest PC has only one CD-ROM drive, you can choose to associate any one of your host PC's CD/DVD-ROM drives with the guest PC's CD/DVD-ROM drive by capturing the desired host PC CD/DVD-ROM drive.

See also:
CD/DVD-ROM Settings
Removable devices
Mouse Settings

Floppy Disk Icon


The LED light indicates that the floppy disk is currently in use. A green LED light indicates the device is reading information. An orange LED light indicates the device is writing information.

The floppy icon is dimmed if no floppy is captured.

Menu Items

The items in the contextual menu associated with the floppy disk icon change depending on the status of the disk. The Floppy Settings item allows you to edit the PC Floppy settings. Additional items allow you to capture, release, or eject a floppy disk. The remaining items allow you to capture or release a floppy disk image.

To access the contextual menu, right-click on the floppy icon.

If you have multiple floppy disk drives in your host PC, there will be a separate menu item for each drive. Although the guest PC has only one floppy disk drive, you can choose to associate any one of your host PC's floppy disk drives with the guest PC's floppy disk drive by capturing the desired host PC floppy disk drive.

See also:
Floppy Settings
Removable devices
Mouse Settings

Drag & Drop

In addition to using the contextual menu, you can use drag and drop to capture a floppy disk image. To capture a floppy disk image, drag the icon for the floppy disk image from the host PC's Windows Explorer to the floppy icon in the PC toolbar.

See also:
Floppy drive images

Shared Folders Icon


The LED light indicates that data is being transferred between the guest and host PCs via folder sharing. A green LED light indicates that information is being transferred from the host PC to the guest PC. An orange LED light indicates that information is being transferred from the guest PC to the host PC.

Menu Items

The contextual menu associated with the shared folders icon contains two or more items. The Folder Settings item allows you to edit the PC Shared Folders settings. Selecting the Share Folder item is equivalent to clicking the Share Folder button in the Shared Folder settings panel. If you have already shared one or more folders, there will be an Unshare item for each shared folder. Selecting the Unshare item is equivalent to clicking the Unshare Folder button in the Shared Folder settings panel.

To access the contextual menu, right-click on the shared folders icon.

See also:
Shared Folder Settings
Removable devices
Mouse Settings

Drag & Drop

In addition to using the contextual menu, you can use drag and drop to share a folder or volume. To share a folder or volume, drag the folder or volume from the host PC desktop to the shared folders icon in the PC toolbar.

Note: When a guest PC is shut down, any shared folders are automatically unshared. They are not automatically shared again the next time you start up the guest PC.

Note: Dragging a shortcut to a folder or volume does not share the folder or volume. Instead, drag the folder or volume itself.

Network Icon


A flashing LED light indicates that information is being transferred across the network.

The networking icon is dimmed if networking is disabled.

Menu Items

The contextual menu associated with the networking icon contains one item. The Networking Settings item allows you to edit the PC Networking settings.

To access the contextual menu, right-click on the network icon.

See also:
Networking Settings
Mouse Settings

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