Installing Windows 95

Installing Windows 95 from a non-bootable CD:

  1. Launch Virtual PC, and click New PC from the “PC List” and click NEXT.
  2. Give the new virtual machine appropriate unique name and click NEXT. Choose guide me and click NEXT.
  3. From the drop down list – select Windows 95 as Guest Operating System and click NEXT. Accept the default memory setting, and then click NEXT.
  4. Choose the option to create a new hard disk image, and click NEXT.
  5. Choose a location for your drive image and specify a mnemonic name. Virtual PC will append a *.vhd file type to it – which specifies the file to be of Connectix Virtual Hard drive format, and SAVE it.
  6. The installer will then present you with a setup summary. Click FINISH.
  7. Now insert the Boot disk. From the “Virtual PC Management Console” list – select the New PC you created and click Start Up.
  8. Insert your Windows 95 CD-ROM disk
  9. In DOS prompt, change drives to your CD_ROM Drive (Which usually is E:) and type Setup.
  10. The Windows setup will take you through the installation process.

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