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Brief Tutorial - Opening Archives
Click on each tutorial topic, in sequence, to learn all about WinZip®:
The first step is to open an
archive. Use the Open toolbar button or select Open Archive from
the WinZip File pull-down menu to activate the standard Open Archive
dialog box.
Then, select the archive you
want to open in the Open Archive dialog box. This dialog box works just like
the Open dialog boxes in other applications: just select the file you want to
open from the list of files. (If you want to create an archive instead of
working with an existing archive, see the section Brief Tutorial - Creating New
Once an existing archive is open you can extract or work
with the files in the archive. The files in an archive are listed in a list box
in the main WinZip window.
- You can look at all the file names, with details, stored in the archive,
using the scroll bar, arrow keys or usual Windows commands.
- You can quickly sort the main window by clicking once on the header (e.g.
click on "Name" in the header above the list of files to sort the list
by filename).
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