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Zip file comments

Use the Comment entry in the View pull-down menu to activate the Comment dialog box. This feature is available for Zip files only.

A comment is optional text information that is embedded in a Zip file. It can be viewed, created, edited, or deleted using the Comment dialog box. Simply type in your text or use any common Windows cut, copy, or paste method.

Use the Close button to close this dialog.

Click Save to save any comment or edits you've made.

Clear erases the comment text. Clicking Save after Clear removes the comment from the Zip file.

Click Font to specify a new display font. It does not affect the comment in the Zip file, but is retained as your preference for viewing comments in future sessions.

Zip file comments are limited in length. If you have recent versions of the Windows "Rich Edit" control installed, the limit is about 64,000 characters; otherwise, the limit is about 48,000 characters. For greatest compatibility with other users' systems and with other Zip file utilities, we recommend limiting comments to 48,000 characters.

Tip: if you would like WinZip® to automatically display comments when opening Zip files that contain comments, choose Configuration from the Options menu, click the Miscellaneous tab, and check the box labeled Show comments when opening Zip files.

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