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WinZip Quick Pick Taskbar Tray Icon

The WinZip® Quick Pick taskbar tray icon image\QuikPick.gif gives you instant access to WinZip and recently used archives.

Enabling and disabling the Quick Pick taskbar tray icon

To enable or disable the WinZip Quick Pick taskbar tray icon, check or uncheck Include WinZip Quick Pick in the taskbar tray in the System tab of WinZip's Configuration dialog. When Quick Pick is enabled, the WinZip icon will automatically appear in the system taskbar tray whenever you start your system.

Using the WinZip Quick Pick taskbar tray icon

To open WinZip, simply click the Quick Pick icon using the left mouse button. For more options, right click the icon to open the Quick Pick menu and:

Restarting Quick Pick after closing

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