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WinZip Self-Extractor
WinZip Self-Extractor Personal Edition is included
with WinZip®, under the terms of the WinZip License Agreement. WinZip Self-Extractor, a companion product to WinZip, includes the following features not
available in the Personal Edition:
- Features to automate and customize software installation, such as the
ability to specify an icon and text for the main self-extractor dialog box, and
to delete temporary files after running a setup program. It includes support
for the InstallShield 3.0 SETUP program.
- Ability to run a command when the unzip operation completes.
- Self-extracting files can be created from the command line.
- All versions can be created with English or German messages.
- Ability to automatically extract files when the EXE file is run.
- A Wizard to simplify the process of building self-extracting files.
Click here for information on
obtaining WinZip Self-Extractor.
Related Topics:
WinZip Self-Extractor Personal
Edition - Overview
WinZip Self-Extractor
Personal Edition - Operation
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