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WinZip Uninstallation

Should you wish to uninstall WinZip®:

Windows 2000 and XP

Activate the Control Panel, double click Add/Remove Programs, click the WinZip entry in the list of programs, and click Remove.

Windows Vista

Activate the Control Panel, click Uninstall a program (located under Programs), click the WinZip entry in the list of programs, and click Uninstall.

Technical details

The "Uninstall WinZip" procedure performs the following steps:

  1. Verifies that it is safe to uninstall.
  2. Deletes files in WinZip folder if they were installed by this version of WinZip and if the file's date/time stamp matches WINZIP32.EXE. All .GID, .FTS, and .PIF files in the WinZip folder are deleted, regardless of their date/time stamp.
  3. Removes any WinZip file associations from WIN.INI.
  4. Removes [WinZip] entry from WIN.INI.
  5. Removes the WinZip icons, WinZip desktop shortcut, WinZip Start menu entries, and WinZip Quick Pick.
  6. Removes the WinZip entries from the registry.

Note: some files, including WINZIP32.EXE, may not be deleted until the next time the computer is restarted.

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