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Using the Alternate Extension

In an effort to improve network security, many administrators prevent access to e-mail attachments with certain extensions. Some administrators have set a policy to block Zip files as attachments.

If you wish to be able to receive Zip files as attachments from a safe and reliable source, but your administrator has blocked the .zip extension, you can do so using an alternate extension.

An alternate extension is simply a file name extension other than .zip that WinZip will recognize as being a Zip file. For example, if you set ".abc" as the alternate extension, WinZip would recognize a file named as a Zip file, and you would be able to open the file in WinZip by double clicking it in Explorer or your e-mail program.

To set an alternate extension:

  1. Open the System tab of the Configuration dialog.
  2. In Associate WinZip with area, check the box labeled The specified alternate extension for Zip files.
  3. Type the alternate extension you want to use in the space provided.
  4. Click OK.

This will associate WinZip with the extension you specified so that double clicking a file with that extension will open the file in WinZip.

Note that WinZip will not automatically use the alternate extension when creating new Zip files. However, there are many ways to do this. For example:

To remove the alternate extension, simply uncheck the check box labeled The specified alternate extension for Zip files.

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