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How do I compress a folder and later restore it?

How to compress a folder and its subfolders:

  1. Start WinZip® and click Next in the Welcome panel.
  2. In the Select Activity panel, choose Create a new Zip file and click Next.
  3. Type the name of the archive, e.g.,
    and click Next.
  4. From Windows Explorer, drag the folder you wish to compress and drop it on the Select Files panel, or click Add folders, select the desired folder, and click OK to add it to the list.
  5. Click Zip Now.

How to restore a folder and its subfolders:

  1. Start WinZip and click Next in the Welcome panel.
  2. In the Select Activity panel, choose Unzip or install from an existing Zip file and click Next.
  3. Select the Zip file created above; if the Zip file does not appear in the list of files, click Search to find it. Then click Next.
  4. In the Unzip panel, use Select different folder to choose the folder where you would like to restore the compressed folders and its subfolders, then click Unzip Now.

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