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Solid archives
A solid archive is a RAR archive packed by a special compression
method, which treats all files, within the archive, as one continuous
data stream. Solid archives are supported only by the RAR archiving
format, ZIP archives are always non-solid. The archiving method for
RAR archives is a user selectable option and may be Solid or non-Solid.
Solid archiving significantly increases compression, especially
when adding a large number of small, similar files. But it also has
a few important disadvantages:
- slower updating of existing solid archives;
- to extract a single file from a solid archive all preceding files
must be analyzed. This makes extraction from the middle of a solid
archive slower than extraction from a normal archive, but, if all files
are to be extracted from a solid archive, the extraction speed will
not be affected.
- if any file in a solid archive is damaged, it will be impossible
to extract all files which follow the damaged area. Thus if a solid
archive is stored to media such as diskette, it is recommended to make
use of the recovery record.
Solid archiving is preferable if:
- the archive is updated rarely;
- it is not necessary to frequently extract a single file or only
part of the files from the archive;
- compression ratio is more important than compression speed.
Usually files in a solid archive are sorted by extension. But it
is possible to set an alternative file order using a special file,
Volumes and
self-extracting archives (SFX) may also be solid.
See also: switch -S,
switch -DS, rarfiles.lst
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